The Christmas season is a time of wonder for us as children and a time of stress as we become older and try to bring the fleeting promise of Santa and lights, and presents to others big and small. The older we get some of the joy is replaced by grief for loved ones that are no longer with us. My prayer is that we can remember the promise of Christ…faith in Him provides the eternal gift of life.
During this season it makes me feel better to be active and turn to my tools and my workbench and woodworking. I have found peace as I use those skills try to support a higher purpose other than my own. It seems however that giving without cost, as Christ did for us, is not well received. The cost is paid by the giver and many times what is freely given, no matter the cost has no lasting value to the receiver.
We should go back to a simpler time. One of giving gifts of our time and mindfulness and patience to our family, our friends, and our community. Making a gift with our own handwork connects us to the recipient. It provides a more lasting evidence of our purposeful caring.
There is no answer here…only a clear certain knowledge that Jesus was completely abandoned even by the Peter and all but one apostle, yet he loved each one of us enough to die on the cross for our sins. It was the greatest gift of all.