The appreciation of beauty within of all of us is tied to a simple ratio. The numbers are not conscious and most people are completely unaware that they apply the mathematics every day. To view a beautiful object our minds automatically measure the ratio of each part to the whole. Flowers, our face, a tree, and our solar system can all be tied to a simple ratio: 1:1.618. Examples are all around you right now in the place you read this post.
My purpose today is not to explain the ratio. You may explore the details in other places. This post is to make you aware that the same designer-creator that created the world, also placed inside you the ability to appreciate the beauty all around.
The table above should look like it fits to the table base in a pleasing way to your eye. The top is 60 inches in diameter and the length of the each table base is 37 inches. The ratio of 37:60 is 1:1.618. A table crafted to appeal to a built in mathematical ratio that allows mindful appreciation by all. If you are an artist, craftsman, or builder, our creator has already given to us all what is needed to make what is pleasing and beautiful.
More importantly this is evidence of a God who built the universe with a simple number sequence. He then placed within us, a mind and eye calibrated to appreciate His creation.