CARPENTERS and makers

This page holds information about the people that are part of our community. Below also are links to our social media, specific info, and other friends in this woodworking and maker community.

Saturday Service Day - January 19, 2019 Work done to build a wheelchair ramp for a family with children in wheelchairs.


Saturday January 12, 2019 - The pictures below are from our first Saturday Woodshop. Thanks to Tom, Steve, Aaron, Ken and our new team member John in the center. Crosses and serving boards that John makes will be in our online store soon.

John - My earliest memories of carpentry and woodworking is of my father building a sailboat. He let me help. I got to sweep up shavings and sawdust and loved it. He built everything from scratch using whatever tools he had or could afford. It was some time before he could afford more than a hand saw and a brace. He helped me build a little wooden go cart when I was seven. I’ve realized how fortunate I was to have a father who supported and loved me. It seems that many if not most people do not. Our work now is to do as my father taught by his actions, to follow the teachings of Christ and use my craft to worship Christ by serving others.

instagram - carpenter in Austin


Kevin - attended Seattle Community College School of Woodworking and is specifically trained in wooden boat building. He worked for many years as a finish carpenter all over the Southern US. Over the last two years he has been a woodworking lead at Community First Village. He also led woodworking volunteers during the Community Table Timber Frame build…his name is on the building. He has participated in all the different timber frame projects at the Village. He enjoys designing and building handmade wood crosses, serving boards, furniture, and other products. Kevin has sold hundreds of handmade works and his products are in high demand. His designs are unique and executed with a high degree of precision and craftsmanship.

He is a great grill chef and has cooked for dozens of volunteers on several occasions over the last few years. Kevin lived for over 7 years on the streets of Austin and now is a resident of Community First Village. He has spoken about his experiences at several different events including Goodness Symposiums at the Village and leads an active life as a part of the community. His work can be purchased on this website as it becomes available.